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Isham CofE Primary School

Encourage each other and build each other up

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Nurturing the infinite worth of every person through love, respect, perseverance, honesty and forgiveness

RE and Collective Worship

Collective Worship: Mon 9.00am, Tues 9.00am, Wed 9.00am, Thurs 9.00am and Fri 2.50pm

Collective Worship Themes:

Autumn Term One:   Love

Autumn Term Two:   Respect

Spring Term One:      Perseverance

Spring Term Two:      Honesty

Summer Term One:   Forgiveness

Summer Term Two:   Wisdom


Example of Collective Worship

Autumn 2 Worship Theme:

Jesus Across the World. At the heart of Christianity is Jesus, and for pupils to understand what Jesus means to Christians they need to be familiar with accounts of his life and his teaching. As we look around the world, it becomes apparent that Jesus is interpreted through different cultures and portrayed in different ways. Ultimately, Jesus was a man we can all relate to and identify with who spoke of the needs of people and the right way to live.

We must avoid presenting limited stereotypical images of Jesus which fail to community the diverse living nature of Christianity worldwide.

Christmas: content following the Jesse Tree Stories for Advent.

An example of our Worship is below.



RE is a core subject in our school.  The two-yearly plan and some recent photographs can be found below.



Lent Activities

This link is quite fun for those parents who want to follow Lent with their children:


