Safeguarding is everybody's responsibility - please visit our Safeguarding page:

Isham CofE Primary School

Encourage each other and build each other up

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Nurturing the infinite worth of every person through love, respect, perseverance, honesty and forgiveness




At Isham CE Primary School, we are determined to provide our pupils with a safe, secure and happy environment in which to learn. We expect high standards of behaviour and do our best to encourage our pupils to develop into responsible and valued members of the community.

What is bullying?

Bullying is:

  • deliberately hurtful behaviour,
  • repeated (often over a period of time),
  • difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves against.

It usually takes one of four forms:

  • Physical e.g. hitting, fighting, taking belongings
  • Verbal e.g. name-calling, insulting remarks, racist comments
  • Indirect e.g. excluding someone from social groups
  • Cyber-bullying e.g. texting, use of websites etc.

This type of behaviour is contrary to the ethos of our school. In partnership with parents, we aim to raise awareness and prevent such behaviour.
