Safeguarding is everybody's responsibility - please visit our Safeguarding page:

Isham CofE Primary School

Encourage each other and build each other up

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Nurturing the infinite worth of every person through love, respect, perseverance, honesty and forgiveness


Child Protection Lead + Designated Safeguarding Lead - Lydia Meek


Assistant Head & Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Philip Bailey


SENDCo - Lydia Meek



Reception Class - Amy Johnson

Year 1 + 2 - Chloe Owens

Year 3 + 4 - Laura Graham & Chloe Shirley

Year 5 + 6 - Philip Bailey


Music - David Hole


Teaching Assistants:

Lauren Sturgess

Latesha Burgess

Joanna Humphrey

Danielle Reidy


1:1 Support:

Kylie Tattersdale



Jo Underwood - Finance Business Partner, PDET

Sophie Wigginton - School Office


Support Staff:

Julia Mehew (Cleaner)


Subject Leaders:

Curriculum Lead - Lydia Meek

Art - Amy Johnson

Computing - Chloe Owens

DT - Philip Bailey

English Lead - Lydia Meek

Early Reading & Phonics Lead - Amy Johnson

History & Geography - Philip Bailey

Maths - Philip Bailey

MfL - Lydia Meek

Music Lead - David Hole

PE Lead - Laura Graham

PSHE/SMSC - Lydia Meek

RE+ Worship - Lydia Meek

Science - Jim Ager/Chloe Shirley
